Thursday, March 25, 2010

Be Smart about Propaganda

I'm now a proud and happy teacher at Kaplan Academy of California, . It is an amazing opportunity to teach the best and the brightest, the future of our society in the online format.
In our current study of rhetorical devices , we have recently discussed examples of propaganda.
To review the various definitions for propaganda, visit:

Some of the types of propaganda we're recently discussed include:
-- Name Calling
-- Glittering Generalities
-- Card Stacking
-- Common Folk
-- Bandwagon

For 10 extra credit points, please discuss in 50 words or more what you learned and what you think about the effects of propaganda, by adding a comment below.
For an additional 20 extra credit points, please review in 100 words or more the videos below and discuss whether you agree or don't agree with the explorations on the negative effects of teenage consumerism. Please use the "comments" feature below to enter your responses.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Are you affected by AFFLUENZA?

Do you know what Affluenza is? It affects a great majority of American teenagers, and, especially, a large percentage of high school students.
View the following videos and then visit the official Affluenza site to learn more. You're then invited to add your comments below.

Affluenza in Australia....

Affluenza PBS Documentary - Part 1 of 6

Affluenza PBS Documentary - Part 2 of 6

Affluenza PBS Documentary - Part 3 of 6

Affluenza PBS Documentary - Part 4 of 6

Affluenza PBS Documentary - Part 5 of 6

Affluenza PBS Documentary - Part 6 of 6


Friday, September 28, 2007

Teen Issues - Paragraph Writing Assignment for Choice 2000 Students

Debating the Teen Brain
Are teenagers' brains too undeveloped to make wise decisions about safe behavior? Or is the problem with adults?
Read/listen to this VOA Special English Health report here:

For this extra-credig assignment (10 points) students have the opportunity to choose which side they prefer within this debateand identify their position within the debate by writing a 2-chunk paragraph, using concrete details and properly identifying at least two valid sources of reference.